StatsBlog provides a forum to give you a unique perspective on issues in the AEC and design industry. We share news, features of FIVE and how it influences contract administration.

update Karen Ng-Hem update Karen Ng-Hem

Statslog’s flexible Subscription Pricing

At Satslog, we receive quite a few inquiries about our subscription pricing model. We believe quality Construction Contract Administration should be available to everyone. We offer: Studio, Team, Enterprise and Project licenses, with unlimited Cloud-hosted options. And of course, Read-Only licenses are always FREE!

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contract admin, update Karen Ng-Hem contract admin, update Karen Ng-Hem

Data Management: Statistics Tool

Our customers have amassed an impressive amount of project data over that time, and we’ve ensured that they can migrate it seamlessly from update to update. The missing piece—at least up until now—is that there hasn’t been an easy way to get an arm’s length view of all that accumulated project data. We’ve traditionally considered projects to be separate silos of unrelated information; but, the truth is that there are connecting threads between each and every project you work on.

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news, update Karen Ng-Hem news, update Karen Ng-Hem

35 Years of Statslog

Statslog is in its 35 year of continuing usage in Canada’s architectural community. We have undergone some dramatic shifts in technology, business practices, and have been moved toward globalization.

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