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Change Management: other side of the coin
In the last article on this topic, we explored the outgoing forms of CCDC 24, this time we will review the incoming forms from your contractor and others. These forms are less structured and come from a variety of sources include your Client, the Owner, the contractor as mentioned, your Consultants, and depending on the contract type, each of the specialty trades.
Starting a Project: Client / Architect Agreement
FIVE was developed to help in completion of administration tasks of any Contract type. It does this by providing a single access for data, automated tracking of approvals, complex calculations, generation of forms and reports, easy assembly and linkage of support material for, distribution, storage, and retrieval.
Accounting Observation: Invoicing
Once every month on every project two mutually exclusive processes face off. Contractors submit a request for payment (Invoice) for services rendered, and designers are charged with assessing if that request is appropriate.
New set of forms for FIVE
Over the years, Statslog has built many standard forms. We observed some time ago that the standard set of forms presented in CCDC1 24—a guide to model forms and support documents would benefit from an update.
Dynamic Forms: Critical Content (5 Ws)
This blog will examine the triggers for Change, the content of Change descriptions, and the automation of some form elements to increase efficiency.
Why CCDC 24—Change Order form needs modifications
The CCDC 24—a guide to model forms and support documents (for use with CCDC 2-1994) is a wonderful resource, but needs a significant review, before use.
Introduction to efficient Contract Change Management
During construction, clients see evidence of your services through the quality and quantity of construction contract administration documents that you issue. These documents usually begin with CCDC 24—a guide to model and support documents. We take a closer look at a few of the common CCDC documents.
What is Contract Admin?
In 2014, the Ontario Association of Architects (OAA)—Construction Contract Administration Committee (CCAC) undertook a review of contract administration specific software. In its conclusions the report says: Statslog can be used for many projects and would be the most cost-effective for a small office with many projects.