Statslog’s flexible Subscription Pricing

Aug 12/24
by Elizabeth Steinebach

Statslog receives quite a few inquiries about our subscription pricing. Statslog has linked its user price, with the number of projects a user can confidently administer. Smaller firms, might only ever work on two or three projects, while other firms might dedicate a specific user to administer up to 5 projects, or more. Understandably, even with inflation coming down, everyone is examining if they are getting the best value for their money.


capture of Statslog website pricing page on a laptop screen

Statslog receives quite a few inquiries about our Flexible Subscription Pricing. Statslog has linked its user price, with the number of projects a user can administer. Smaller firms, might only ever work on two or three projects, while other firms might dedicate a specific user to administer up to 5 projects, or more. Understandably, even with inflation coming down, everyone is examining if they are getting the best value for their money.

Statslog has also had a unique pricing matrix, to provide competitive pricing at both ends of the spectrum. We believe quality Construction Contract Administration should be available to everyone across the industry—not just large companies who can afford it. Statslog is a Canadian designed, developed and implemented program that can be used worldwide, in many jurisdictions. Adaptable to all CCDC contract types that can be modified for those not requiring such stringent regulation.

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STUDIO Subscription clients, usually sole proprietors, perhaps with one additional staff, pay marginally more, than our-low end competitor, at first.

However, when that client gets a second or third project, that’s when the savings begin.
The matrix is straightforward: 

1 Client / User can use FIVE, up to 5 projects included in the subscription, before overages can be incurred.
We offer a cost / user / month format. What this looks like, when expanded:

  • 1 Client / User with 1 project  = $X; example $100

  • 1 Client / User with 2 projects = $X / 2; example $50

  • 1 Client / User with 3 projects = $X / 3; example $33

  • 1 Client / User with 4 projects = $X / 4; example $25

  • 1 Client / User with 5 projects = $X / 5. example $20

The user cost/per month remains the same; however, the value is when you increase the number of projects. As you get busier, your construction project contract administration costs go down! And better, you are developing in-house expertise in CA, as every project is easily administered by FIVE.

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This also applies to our TEAM Subscriptions. In medium to large office configurations, more users, means more free projects applied, in the subscription.


  • 2 users can work up to 10 projects

  • 3 users up to 15

  • 4 users up to 20

included in the user/month subscription, etc. When calculated with our matrix, many clients can reduce the cost, of quality CA on projects, often to $X / 5 or more. 

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Our Enterprise Subscription offers added value. Statslog offers unlimited options, to smooth out the highs and lows of the volume of users that might occur during the year.

Just because you’re a large firm, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be treated fairly! This is for very large firms, with multiple offices, many users and projects. Billing here, is less about micromanaging; but, ensuring everything is running smoothly from a budgeting point of view.

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At Statslog, we understand some offices prefer to have independent billing by Project, which we can accommodate, because in some very large projects we understand the need for many contributors, thus paying by User, is not realistic.

Full transparency, Statslog does offer Cloud-hosting, not factored into this discussion, which only increases the subscription slightly, should you opt-in.

Statslog has 40+ years of expertise, so we know a thing or two about what makes essential contract administration and can offer suggestions on how to handle difficult contractors. As the industry reflects new trends in CA/project management, the result of on-demand delivery and supply chain issues, less so, than during COVID-19, Statslog can be adapted to administer any CCDC contract type, keeping Statslog relevant. Everyone gets great customer service and training and consulting is available!

Our strength is our flexibility, reliability and accuracy.
Statslog provides excellent value for small to large companies looking for quality project management / CA.

Ask us to define a tailored subscription for you…and see how much money you could $ave!


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